Fellowship Hour

Lakeview Room

Enjoy coffee & Bogart's doughnuts before and after worship


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Worship-Children’s Christmas Program

Lakeview Room, Sanctuary

3rd Sunday of Advent During worship, children present The Christmas Checklist reminding us of the real meaning of Christmas. After the program, join the cast in the Lakeview Room for cookies and cocoa.

Fellowship Hour

Lakeview Room

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Welcome Home Wrap-a-thon

Lakeview Room

A gift wrapping party to wrap presents donated through the Welcome Home Giving Tree. Come and join in! Sip cocoa and munch cookies while you wrap. 

Centro Esperanza Worship

Sanctuary, Lakeview Room

Spanish Language Worship 1:00 - 3:00 followed by Fellowship

Serve at New Creations-1st Shift

Sort and pack donations of fresh & frozen food for distribution at 7 pm at food shelf run by New Creations Ministries Church of God in Christ, 5144 13th Ave. S. Volunteers always welcome! 

Serve at New Creations-2nd Shift

Transfer packed food boxes from inside to sidewalk outside of New Creations Ministries Church of God in Christ, 5144 13th Ave. S., Minneapolis. Distribute boxes. Volunteers always welcome! 

Daisy Troop

Club Room

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