
Faith Formation for Children

Kids Club

Wednesdays, 6:30 to 7:30 pm 
For children from three years old through 6th grade, with 7th–12th graders as peer mentors.

Kids Club includes Bible stories and lessons, large muscle games, and arts & crafts. Lacy Tooker-Kirkevold, Director of Children, Youth, & Family Ministries, leads with another adult volunteer, and a staffed nursery is available for kids under 3, allowing adults to participate in Lakeview Forums.

A community meal is served at 5:30 pm. For kids who are participating in the youth musical (fourth graders and older), music rehearsals run from 6–6:30 pm in the fall and early winter.

Wednesday activities will not occur when Minneapolis schools are closed.

Faith Milestones

By marking significant events in the lives of our youth, we lift up and celebrate faith practices through all the ages and stages of a life centered in Christ.

First “All Words” Bible

Children receive their first all words/no pictures Bible in worship. After the service, they attend a class where they learn how to use their new Bible and so they may dive into it independently. There is no age limit on this class. If your child comfortably reads chapter books, they are ready to participate.

Communion Celebration

We invite families to decide for themselves when their child is ready to receive Communion for the first time. Not all children are ready at the same age. Some cues to watch for that show your child may be ready include:

  • Is your child an active participant in worship?
  • Do they talk about what they heard in church and/or ask questions about it?  
  • Does your child feel a longing or a spiritual excitement about receiving Communion?
  • Do they feel left out not receiving Communion with others in the community?

If you determine your child is ready to receive the sacrament of Holy Communion, begin having conversations at home, read through the Bible passages about the Last Supper with your child (Matthew 26:17–29; Mark 14:12–25; Luke 22:7–38; and I Corinthians 11:23–25), and talk about it with your child while Communion is served during worship.

A class takes place during Lent and First Communion is served on Maundy Thursday (the Thursday before Easter). Reach out to Lacy Tooker-Kirkevold, Director of Children, Youth, and Family Ministries, to learn more about this important Faith Milestone.

Activities Throughout the Year

Seasonal Festivals

Festivals all year long celebrate the changing seasons. We host an annual Fall Festival, Boo Bash, Advent Festival, and Easter Egg Hunt. These festivals are free and open to all in the community.

Christmas Program

Our annual Christmas Program is held on the last Sunday before Christmas during the worship service. We begin preparing for this joyful event in late autumn by practicing songs for it during Kids Club. Kids also build props, memorize lines, and work together on the program. The congregation and extended family members of the kids pack the sanctuary to watch a creative re-telling of the birth of Jesus.

Youth Musical

Every year, the Youth of Diamond Lake, from elementary-aged kids all the way through high school, come together to stage an original musical. While the performers begin learning the songs in the fall on Wednesdays from 6–6:30 pm, most of the rehearsals take place after Christmas and the performances are the final weekend of February. We have seen kids form lasting bonds from participating in this incredible program.

South Minneapolis Day Camp

South Minneapolis Day Camp is a multi-church camp for kids of all ages that takes place annually.. Held for one week in August, kids learn more about God through Bible lessons, music, games, crafts, food, and more. High schoolers receive training and a stipend to work at the camp. South Minneapolis Day Camp is open to the entire South Minneapolis community.


Children are encouraged to be present for worship, but a nursery is located on the lower level if you need it. Please ask an usher for directions. If you are a nursing parent, you are welcome to nurse anywhere. If you would like privacy, there is a nursing room in the nursery downstairs.

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