January Mission of the Month: ReconcilingWorks

As people of faith, we are called to build a more inclusive, just, and loving world. Supporting ReconcilingWorks enables vital efforts to ensure that LGBTQIA+ individuals and their families are fully welcomed, celebrated, and affirmed within the church and beyond.

Your generosity fuels this important work in three key areas:

Deepening and Expanding the Reconciling in Christ (RIC) Program: The RIC program equips congregations to create inclusive and affirming spaces. Your donations support outreach, education, and the production and distribution of resources to faith communities across the country. These efforts also strengthen relationships with existing RIC settings, ensuring that the ongoing work of inclusion and affirmation continues to grow.

Dismantling Injustice Through a Lutheran Lens: ReconcilingWorks advocates for LGBTQIA+ protections and addresses injustices rooted in sexual orientation, gender identity, race, ethnicity, and other forms of marginalization. Through an intersectional and ecumenical approach, ReconcilingWorks amplifies a Lutheran voice in society, standing firmly with LGBTQIA+ individuals and families to ensure justice and equality.

Building and Strengthening Relationships with Lutheran Churches: ReconcilingWorks collaborates with the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) and the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada (ELCIC) to implement LGBTQIA+-inclusive policies and practices. By engaging with bishops, churchwide staff, and councils, ReconcilingWorks continues to move the church toward becoming a more inclusive and loving community for all people, especially those on the margins.

To make a gift to ReconcilingWorks, please visit the “Give Back” button of this website, selecting “Mission of the Month” from the list of choices.

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