Dinner + Church returns for Lent! This unique worship blends dinner, discussion, and Holy Communion every Wednesday from March 12 to April 9. We’ll share a family-style meal, hear scripture and music, and reflect on the theme “Everything In Between.”
Guided by the Gospel of Luke, we’ll follow Jesus as he sets his face toward Jerusalem (Luke 9:51), exploring familiar stories—the Good Samaritan, Mary and Martha, the Lost Sheep, Zacchaeus, and more. These scriptures show how Jesus disrupted the status quo, challenging divisions with radical, inclusive love. Looking at them through a historical lens, we find striking parallels to the tensions in our own lives today. Each week, we’ll explore the space between two seemingly opposite ideas—like “faith & works,” “rest & growth,” or “grief & hope.” Scripture shows us that these so-called opposites aren’t as separate as they seem; instead of black and white, we find a full spectrum. And in that space—in between—we just might discover where God is at work.
So, this season, we invite you to look beyond binaries and easy answers. Pay attention to the tensions that shape our lives, and imagine where God is showing up outside the categories we create. This Lent, we trust that God is present in the shades of gray, in the rainbow hues, and in everything in between.
Note: Kids and youth are encouraged to sit with their families during Dinner + Church. Afterward, the Kids Club/Youth Group will meet together in the North Room for “Sundaes on Wednesdays” and a short lesson while adults assist with Lakeview cleanup. One or two adult volunteers will be needed each week to help serve ice cream.