The Bible: Part Deux

When a group of moviemakers is looking for wholesome entertainment, they naturally turn to the Bible. But in the musical, “The Bible: Part Deux,” the writers find more than they bargained for. A hero slaying thousands with the jawbone of an ass? The leader of a nation deceiving his father? A righteous king who rests his wandering eye on the wife of his leading general? Hey, it’s in the Bible. The writers also find heroism and nobility in the story of Esther and in the final scene, a young child asks, “Isn’t the Bible about Jesus?” Indeed it is.

February 21, 7 pm
February 22, 2 pm and 7 pm
Dinner prior to the Saturday evening show begins at 5:30 pm

Show only: Suggested donation of $8 for adults, $6 for seniors and youth under 18 years of age

Show and Dinner: Suggested donation of $20 for adults and $15 for seniors and youth.

Purchase tickets here:

All money raised goes to the youth fund which helps send kids to camp and on summer trips and reduces the financial barrier for families to participate in other activities.

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